True Courage: The Fight for Belarus

Today, we saw a photograph of Viktar Babaryka. Like Maryia Kalesnikava a few weeks ago, he looks cheerful and full of optimism. But behind this external resilience, there’s undoubtedly a reality that’s hard to grasp for those who’ve never been deprived of their freedom.

What do they endure every single day? What battles are they fighting? It’s not just the physical deprivation — in prison, you’re stripped of the things we take for granted: the freedom to move, to speak with loved ones, to make even the simplest choices.

The hardest struggle, however, is the one within. It’s the crushing loneliness that eats away at your soul. We see their smiles in photographs, but we don’t see the pain hidden behind those smiles. We can only imagine the despair they feel as they endure endless days in confinement, where time seems to stand still.

Their suffering and disappointment would likely be even greater if they knew about those who exploit their sacrifices for personal gain. If they knew how a small group of corrupted politicians — who have never risked anything — enjoy luxury in the West while pretending to "fight the regime." These individuals have pocketed tens of millions of euros allocated to support the Belarusian people. Funds that never reached the political prisoners they were intended for, instead lining the pockets of self-serving political profiteers.

Viktar Babaryka, Maryia Kalesnikava, and thousands of other political prisoners exemplify true courage. They remind us that the fight for freedom isn’t about grand speeches, luxury life abroad, or staged photographs at receptions. The real fight is when you sacrifice the most precious things you have: your time, your freedom, and sometimes even your life, to create a better future for your country.

I believe the day will come when they regain their freedom. And when that day comes, those who have profited from their sacrifices must be held accountable. Those who traveled the world under the guise of ceremonial visits, sat in lavish offices (calling it "political struggle"), stayed in five-star hotels, feasted on caviar and champagne at receptions, and flaunted expensive accessories — they will have to answer for their actions.

They won’t just owe an explanation to the thousands of political prisoners who, we hope, will soon be free. They’ll also have to face the hundreds of thousands of Belarusians in exile, struggling to survive in foreign lands. And they will answer to the millions of Belarusians who risked their lives, lost their freedom, and gave up everything they owned, all in the hope of building a just society.

A society where anyone seeking a public role is held accountable to the people they claim to serve.

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